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Exploring Religion through 24 Myths


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Why do the gods behave so arrogantly?
Can't we be saved just by believing in them?

From polytheism to monotheism, Eastern religions to atheism.
From polytheism to monotheism, Eastern religions, and atheism, this is a collection of easy-to-understand explanations of the history and present state of religion, using mythology as a starting point.

Why were the ancient gods so unfaithful and combative?
How and when was the omniscient, omnipotent, and absolute god born?
Why do gods bring hardship to humans?
Why do people in the East practice silently instead of asking God for help?
Why is anti-intellectualism so prevalent in the modern world? ......
A lifelong education that you will want to tell someone about!

Table of Contents
Introduction: Historical Overview of Mythology and Religion

PART I: Myths of Polytheism
Chapter 1: The "Heroic Dragon Slayer" Myth: Susanoo, Perseus, and St. George
Chapter 2: "Fertility and Descent into the Underworld" Myth: Persephone, Adonis, and Ohgetsuhime
Chapter 3: "The Change of Kingdoms in the Heavens" Myth: The Zeus Dynasty and the Amaterasu Dynasty
Chapter4 "The Flirtation of the Gods" Myth--The Twelve Olympian Gods, The God of Yachihoko
Chapter 5: The Myth of the Suffering Hero--Yamatotakeru, Oedipus, Job
Chapter 6: The "Trickster" Myth--Hermes, Loki, Wakujunkaga

Part II: Myth of Theism
Chapter7 "Exodus" Myth: Origin of Judaism
Chapter8 "Creation" Myth: From Polytheism to Monotheism
Chapter9 "Paradise Lost of Adam and Eve" Myth: The Idea of Original Sin
Chapter10 "Noah's Flood" Myth: The Idea of Judgment
Chapter 11: The Myth of the "War Against the Devil"--Zoroastrianism and the Dualism of Good and Evil
Chapter 12: The "Christ of Atonement" Myth: The Origin of Christianity
Chapter13 "The Miracle of Jesus, the Son of God" Myth--The Four Gospels
Chapter 14: The Myth of the "Night Journey with the Archangels"--Origin of Islam

PARTIII Myths of Eastern Religions
Chapter15 "The Spiritual Exercises of Prince Siddhartha" Myth--Origin of Buddhism
Chapter 16: The Myth of Buddha's Long Journey---Mahayana Buddhism: Lotus Beliefs
Chapter 17: The Myth of the Passage to Paradise---Mahayana Buddhism: Pure Land Faith
Chapter 18: The Myth of the Cosmic Power of Mandalas---Mahayana Buddhism: Esoteric Buddhism
Chapter 19: The Myth of "Not Conveyed in Writing"--Mahayana Buddhism: Zen
Chapter20 "Vishnu and Shiva" Myth---Hinduism
Chapter 21: The Myth of the Ancestors and the Immortals--The World of Chinese Religions
Chapter 22: The Myth of the Exorcism of Impurities--The World of Japanese Religions

PARTIV Mythology and Religion Today
Chapter23 The Future of the Myth of the Afterlife: The Underworld, Heaven and Hell, Reincarnation, and Dilution
Chapter 24: The Future of the "Miracle" Myth: Self-help, Antinomianism, and Atheism

Author’s Information


Series/Label ---
Released Date Apr 2021
Price ---
Size ---
Total Page Number 416 pages
Color Page Number ---
ISBN 9784532240011
Genre Literature / Novel > Others
Visualization experience NO