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Tomio Sato, who passed away in 2012, wrote many books including the bestsellers "The magic of mouth habits that will change you'' (Kanki Publishing) and "Magic words to be loved and rich'' (Zennihon Publishing). , has proposed his own "laws of habitual habits'', which have received a great response. This book is about Mr. Sato's son, Mr. Shinpei, who can be said to be his disciple, and Mr. Medeiros Stephen, a highly successful businessman who was mentored by Tomio Sato from a young age. A book that explains the "Big Talk Method,'' which can be said to be an evolved version of the rules for speaking. The conventional "rules of speech'' placed emphasis on "speaking out loud,'' but in addition, new methods such as ``writing → recording'' and "talking with a trusted buddy'' are proposed. . We will show readers how to turn thoughts and ideals into reality. Shinpei, who suffered from an incurable disease during his student days and ended up with a physical handicap, and Steven, who had an internal hurdle of having a complex about those around him, learn from their experiences of overcoming and succeeding that even if they are handicapped, He proves that even if you have complexes, you can live the life you want by using words well.
Author’s Information
Series/Label | --- |
Released Date | Nov 2021 |
Price | ¥1,600 |
Size | 127mm×188mm |
Total Page Number | 264 pages |
Color Page Number | --- |
ISBN | 9784799109779 |
Genre | Business > Business/Management/Self-help |
Visualization experience | NO |