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Popular Tags >> Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions Fiction: general and literary Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Popular medicine and health Children’s / Teenage fiction: General, modern and contemporary fiction

Monamori Books (Japan America Publication) Bookmark

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Katsuko Yamamoto

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This is a story that makes us think about how humans should live through the adventures of the dog Rito. Kazuo Murakami, famous for Something Great, was told by Katsuko Yamamoto, "This disease is also love given by Something Great. It's a chance for people to change. And humans have evolved together with viruses. It's okay." "In the unlikely event of an unknown infectious disease spreading, we cannot respond unless we have a global cooperation system in place. Helping each other on a global scale may be what Something Great is encouraging humanity to do. I feel that it is important to "live for others" especially when we face a serious crisis. As one big life, we share the responsibility and joy of coexisting with more things. If we could live like that, many people would probably be able to rejoice more honestly that we were born on this one and only Earth, given one and only life, and are alive with a miraculous probability. It can be said that humanity is now in a time of unprecedented change. I want to remember that we are fortunate to be alive and to be alive in this era. " -- Excerpt from the writings of Dr. Murakami Kazuo " Author Yamamoto Katsuko wrote this book in order to fulfill a promise she made to Sasada Yukie, who had MS: "To convey to people all over the world that each and every person is different and that is wonderful, that everyone is wonderful and important, and that everything is leading up to a better day someday." She also wanted to keep her promise to convey Dr. Murakami Kazuo's thoughts about the coronavirus to everyone.

Author’s Information

Profile of Katsuko Yamamoto
Born in Kanazawa City. After working at a special needs school in Ishikawa Prefecture, she became active as a writer and film director. Her message, full of love, has spread throughout the country through her books and lectures, opening the hearts of not only children but also closed-minded adults, and miraculous events are occurring one after another. The documentary film "1/4 Miracle - Because it's true" completed in 2007 is a work that follows her activities, and independent screenings have been held in more than 1,000 locations and more than 14 countries overseas. Her books include "Because it's true," "Yuuki-kun's sea," and "The story of Mona the witch" (SanGo-kan), "Kii-chan" (Alice-kan), and "Hands together, it's warm" (Sunmark Publishing), among others.

Series/Label ---
Released Date Dec 2023
Price ¥1,380
Size ---
Total Page Number 64 pages
Color Page Number ---
ISBN 9784910388151
Genre Children's Books > Picture Books
Visualization experience NO