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Welcome to Special Feature Frankfurt Book Fair 2023!
Japan Book Bank and varieties of related exhibits are waiting for you in

What is Japan Book Bank?

Japan Book Bank is the largest online catalogue of Japanese published content.
More than 165 Japanese publishers are on board.
Check the availability of rights and contact the licensor at anytime!

・We can now tag search! Using international genre code Thema, you can now find the book of your interest easily!
・Apply for a JBB ID for free, giving access to information of what languages are available and contact the rights holder directly!

What are we doing in Japan Book Bank Booth this year?

We are introducing recommended books, provide website demonstration, and guidance to ID registration in Frankfurt Book Fair.

You can read the samples of selected books that is specially featured in here!

This is our booth from last year.
We can’t wait for you to visit us!

Giving out new Japan Book Bank original tote bag on a first-come, first-served basis!
Perfect size to keep your leaflets in, while you enjoy your book fair!

Come visit us in the JBB booth anytime.
We can also arrange a meeting at the booth in advance, contact us by the email at the address below.

Contact ▶ jbb@vipo.or.jp

Japanese Publishing Promotion Project (JPPP), organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, and Japan Book Bank (JBB) are jointly setting up a stand at Frankfurt Book Fair 2023, within JAPAN BOOTH!

Exclusive Talk Show with MURATA Sayaka – Author of Akutagawa award winning Convenience Store Woman!

MURATA will be speaking about her writing process and the inspirations behind her three novels published in Germany: Convenience Store Woman (Die Ladenhüterin), Earthlings (Das Seidenraupenzimmer), and Life Ceremony (Zeremonie des Lebens).

Place  :
Speakers :
Oct 21 (SAT) 12:00 – 13:00 (Local Time)
Frankfurt Book Fair - Pavilion
MURATA Sayaka, Author
The Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan
Litprom (https://www.litprom.de/en/)
YouTube live streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AbgjUJKY5k (English) * archived after streaming



Entry free of charge. No prior registration required.
Contact : jppp_vipo@vipo.or.jp

Featuring three Author in Japan

In Japan booth, we present three panels displaying a featured author, introducing their bios and their representative work. Visit and sink in to their unique, and most wonderful works.



3) LI Kotomi

We are looking forward to your visit!
