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Popular Tags >> Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions Children’s picture books Fiction: general and literary Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Popular medicine and health Cookery / food and drink / food writing

Tag : Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists

1 - 20 of 639 Items
Cover image Title Author Publisher Released Date Open for
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FBF2021 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
Hug tight (placeholder) Remon Haruna
Hajime Yamaguchi
Dec 2020
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Remon Haruna /Hajime Yamaguchi Bookmark
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FBF2021 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
Tickle tickle (placeholder) Remon Haruna
Hajime Yamaguchi
Dec 2020
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Remon Haruna /Hajime Yamaguchi Bookmark
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PICKUP:DiscoverJBB FBF2021 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
Kiss on the cheek (placeholder) Remon Haruna
Hajime Yamaguchi
Dec 2020
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Remon Haruna /Hajime Yamaguchi Bookmark
Open for
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BCBF2022 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
Old Dward Build a House AOYAMA Kunihiko Open for
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AOYAMA Kunihiko Bookmark
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BCBF2021 FBF2022 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
A Tail, A Tail, My Tail KISO Hideo Open for
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KISO Hideo Bookmark
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PICKUP:DiscoverJBB BCBF2021 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
You Be Careful Too, Wolf SHIGEMORI Chika Open for
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SHIGEMORI Chika Bookmark
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Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
Sesse and Yokkora Explore Hyogo Cave TAKABATAKE Nao Open for
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Open for
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FBF2021 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
Frog goes out TAKABATAKE Nao Open for
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Open for
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Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
It is not what it looks like!  CHO Hikaru Open for
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CHO Hikaru Bookmark
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FBF2024 PICKUP:Bologna2025 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions Sample Reading
Paul, a Bear Cub Mayumi Maeda Open for
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Mayumi Maeda Bookmark
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BCBF2021 FBF2021 BCBF2022 BCBF2023 BCBF2024 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions Sample Reading
Tree Frog and Hide-and-Seek TATENO Hiroshi (Composition)
KAWASHIMA Haruko (Illustration)
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TATENO Hiroshi (Composition)/KAWASHIMA Haruko (Illustration) Bookmark
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Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
ARAI-KUN NAKAGAWA hirotaka (story)
serico (picture) 
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NAKAGAWA hirotaka (story)/serico (picture)  Bookmark
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Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
KOTATSU-USHI Nene Kawamata
Yoshifumi Hasegawa
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Nene Kawamata/Yoshifumi Hasegawa Bookmark
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Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
TOTTE-IMASU ICHIHARA Jyun (story & picture) Open for
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ICHIHARA Jyun (story & picture) Bookmark
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PICKUP:DiscoverJBB PICKUP:Recommend2021 BCBF2024 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions Sample Reading
Doctor Hedgehog and the Little Ghost FUKUZAWA Yumiko(story & picture)  Open for
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FUKUZAWA Yumiko(story & picture)  Bookmark
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BCBF2021 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
MORI asako (picture) 
NAKAGAWA hirotaka (story)/MORI asako (picture)  Bookmark

Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions Sample Reading
Fingerplay Song, "Koochie Koochie" Sekai Bunka Wonder Create Open for
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Sekai Bunka Wonder Create Bookmark
Open for
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Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
Big Bus Song Sekai Bunka Wonder Create Open for
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Sekai Bunka Wonder Create Bookmark
Open for
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Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions Sample Reading
You are still with me Daisuke Kimura Open for
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Daisuke Kimura Bookmark
Open for
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FBF2021 FBF2023 Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions Sample Reading
Moo the night creature Daisuke Kimura Open for
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Daisuke Kimura Bookmark
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