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Popular Tags >> Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions Fiction: general and literary Children’s picture books Children’s / Teenage general interest: Art and artists Popular medicine and health Children’s / Teenage fiction: General, modern and contemporary fiction

Publisher Book Lists

> Publishers
101 - 120 of 165 Items
Cover image Title Author Publisher Released Date Open for
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FBF2022 PICKUP:Women Writers Graphic novel / Comic book / Manga: styles / traditions
Life is a Feast Setsuko Tamura
Setsuko Tamura Bookmark

PICKUP:Manga/LightNovel FBF2022 PICKUP:MANGA FBF2024
Why "Quit your job if you'd rather die" is not possible Kona Shiomachi Open for
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Kona Shiomachi Bookmark
Open for
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My wife became "Ossan". yasu33yasu3939
yasu33yasu3939 Bookmark

BCBF2022 Popular philosophy
Words will give you the strength of "Jujutsu Kaisen" Kumao Oyama
Kumao Oyama Bookmark

BCBF2022 BCBF2024
A Heartwarming Story from Disneyland Takanobu Katori Open for
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Takanobu Katori Bookmark
Open for
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PICKUP:Recommend2021 PICKUP:SampleReading BCBF2022 PICKUP:Heartwarming FBF2024 Sample Reading
Tale Winds Rieko Saegusa Open for
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Rieko Saegusa Bookmark
Open for
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PICKUP:Recommend2021 PICKUP:Practical2022 Interior design, decor and style guides
Simple storage that keeps you happy and clean aki
aki Bookmark

PICKUP:Recommend2021 PICKUP:Flavour of Autumn
An Illustrated Guide to Salt in Japan and Around the World Shiho Aoyama
Shiho Aoyama Bookmark

PICKUP:Recommend2021 BCBF2022 Popular science Meteorology and climatology
A book to help you understand "What's the weather? ” Kubotenki
Kubotenki Bookmark

PICKUP:Recommend2021 PICKUP:Practical2022 PICKUP:Flavour of Autumn Popular medicine and health Public health and preventive medicine
Salt Recipes to Boost Immunity Shiho Aoyama
Shiho Aoyama Bookmark

Popular medicine and health Public health and preventive medicine
Mainichiga umakuiku asano swith Nobuyori Oshima
ASA Publishing
Aug 2021
Nobuyori Oshima Bookmark

PICKUP:Recommend2021 PICKUP:SampleReading FBF2023 Other manufacturing technologies Sample Reading
How my polio opened the door to a new world – Invention, health, linguistic equality and justice – Etsuo Miyoshi
ASA Publishing
Mar 2021
Open for
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Etsuo Miyoshi Bookmark
Open for
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PICKUP:Recommend2021 Popular science Science: general issues
The world gets more interesting! Science around us Toshifumu Futamase
ASA Publishing
Jul 2021
Toshifumu Futamase Bookmark

FBF2023 Popular medicine and health
Seishinkai ga oshieru byokiganaoru kanjo-control jutsu Shion Kabasawa
ASA Publishing
Apr 2021
Shion Kabasawa Bookmark

PICKUP:Practical2021 PICKUP:Recommend2021 PICKUP:Practical2022 PICKUP:Japanese Culture PICKUP:Flavour of Autumn Popular medicine and health Public health and preventive medicine
Rice ball of easily losing your weight! For 21 days, no stress, control of blood sugar level Koji Ozawa(author) Chiho Sakuraba(supervision)
Koji Ozawa(author) Chiho Sakuraba(supervision) Bookmark

PICKUP:Practical2021 PICKUP:Health and Beauty Popular medicine and health Clinical and internal medicine
Push your stomach for 1 minute to degrease lower back pain Tadashi Kaneko
Tadashi Kaneko Bookmark

PICKUP:Practical2021 Popular philosophy
You can be happy if you purify yourself Junko Iwasaki
Junko Iwasaki Bookmark

Popular medicine and health Ophthalmology Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
The Book if it is difficult for you to make a voice, teaching special doctor Yusuke Watanabe
Yusuke Watanabe Bookmark

BCBF2021 PICKUP:Health and Beauty Popular medicine and health General surgery
Stop to clean your butt if you worried pain, itch, and constipation of your bottom Minori Ssaki
Minori Ssaki Bookmark

Popular psychology
Learn with comic ; Sly way of thinking Naoyoshi Kimura
Naoyoshi Kimura Bookmark